The Introduction is the reader’s first true engagement with your research paper after the title page and abstract. Your Introduction will lay the groundwork for how your readers will approach your work.
 It serves a number of purposes. It establishes the background for your study, explains your topic and aims, and gives a paper outline. A strong beginning will serve as a solid foundation for the rest of your work and will compel readers to continue reading.
Tips For Writing The Introduction Of A Research Paper
Keep It Brief
A too-long introduction will weary the reader and cause you to lose the audience. Always stick to the outline and keep your introduction brief and to the point.
Begin Broadly And Gradually Narrow It Down
In the first paragraph, define the general research area briefly, then focus down to your special emphasis. This will help to frame your research topic within the larger context, making the work accessible to a broader audience rather than just specialists in your subject.
Be Logical
Your introduction will be very strong if it only contains key ideas in a few sentences. To achieve such a result, the logical connection of the concepts must be met. At the end of the introduction, your goal is to let the reader understand what you meant to achieve in the research paper and why this issue requires considerable research.
Always Define The Problem
The conclusion of your introduction should include a hypothesis, query, or thesis statement. By the end of your introduction, the reader should understand why you are writing the paper. Keep in mind that your discussion and conclusion sections will link back to the introduction to support your thesis statement.
Don’t Bury Your Readers In Details
If your research is in a subject where the major outcomes of the study are frequently summarized before beginning the methods, you should avoid stating too many detailed results in the introduction because these results require development in the other sections of your article to be effectively understood.
Steps To Follow When Writing An Introduction For A Research Paper
Set The Context By Providing Background Information
This first section of the Introduction prepares readers for more extensive and specialized information that follows. Typically, the initial couple of phrases is broad.
Introduce Your Research Topic And Explain Why It Is Significant
To underline the significance of the study topic, highlight the potential benefits of solving the problem of finding an answer to the question. The strategy should emphasize the good.
Mention Previous Attempts To Resolve The Research Challenge Or Answering The Research Topic
A formal review of literature is inappropriate in the Introduction section of a research paper; however, it is appropriate to mention any previous relevant research and explain how your research differs from those efforts.
Finish The Introduction By Stating The Specific Goals Of Your Research
The preceding paragraphs should logically lead to specified study objectives. It is worth noting that this section of the Introduction should give specific details.